Our goal, from the very start, has been two-fold. One was to get this important information into the hands of every American. We, as a country, need to know the real story of American history. We’ve said…”If you don’t know the whole story, then you don’t know the real story. If you don’t know the real story, then you don’t know the whole story.” By this we mean: the whole story speaks to the impact African-Americans made to the founding of our country.
Knowledge of the whole story is the real story. One cannot know the whole story of the founding of our country if it does not include the stories of the tremendous contributions made by African-Americans. The real story of our country’s founding contains the whole story about the impact African-Americans had on our culture.
Our second goal is to give back to the community. We donate, on average, 50% of our gross revenue to three areas we feel are critical. We support: Job Creation, Education along with Health & Well-Being programs, causes and organizations, almost exclusively in the African-American community.
Thank you,
Chip Dolfi